dimanche 17 août 2008

Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State

How to explain Kurdish nationalism? It is important to correctly define a complex term like Kurdish nationalism. The most critical task is to find out its origin, especially when it deals with a nation without written sources. Obviously, this lack of information is due to the different policies that consist in preventing Kurdish people from being aware of their kurdishness.

Hakan Özoglu, the Ayasli Senior Lecturer in Turkish Studies at the University of Chicago, provides us a very complete study of Kurdish nationalism. Using reliable sources, he focuses on determining precisely when and how emerges Kurdish nationalism.

His analysis is based on relevant elements including social, cultural and political aspects of the subject. He identifies the most important actors who contributed to the emergence and development of Kurdih nationalism.

The autor defines Kurdsh nationalism as a territorial nationalism. Indeed, this analysis is relevant because dominating element to define Kurdish identity formation is the territory.

According to his study, Kurdish nationalism has been shaped by various external and internal elements. During centuries, even the Ottoman state organisation influenced it but determining factor is the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Various Kurdish organizations during the decline of the empire (SMPK: the Society for the mutual aid and Pogress of Kurdistan, SAK: the Society for the advancement of Kurdistan, etc), played a central role in the spread of Kurdish nationalism. These orgonzations were under the influence of two important families, Berdirxani family and Ubeydullah family, which also means two different ideologies.

Berdirxani family preached separation from the Ottoman Empire whereas Ubeydullah family (from Naksibendi Semdinan family) did not favor secession. Ubeydullah family respected the office of the caliphate and believed in Umma unity and prefered an autonomous administration in Kurdistan.

Berdixani family had a modern conception of Kurdish nationalism and strongly believed in an independent Kurdish State. Caladet and Kamuran Berdixan sacrified their lives for the just cause of independent Kurdistan.

In conclusion, this precious study shows that Kurdish nationalism is peaceful and not racist. Turks acuse Kurdish political parties or Kurds of being nationalists because they simply assert their rights. So, I invite everybody to read this very good documented book in order to know more about Kurdish nationalism.
In one word, Kurdish nationalism means kurdish identity in a based territory.

Feqîyê teyran
17 / 08 2008

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